Monoclonal Antibody Production | Bioxcellence | Boehringer Ingelheim Monoclonal Antibody Production | Bioxcellence | Boehringer Ingelheim Explore our advanced capabilities in antibody production, and learn about the unique features of monoclonal & polyclonal antibodies.
Digital innovation: Our digital pipeline is only growing Digital innovation: Our digital pipeline is only growing BRASS, a software advancing patient safety and developed fully in-house, has been sold. This is proof: our digital innovations are in demand.
The power of patient advocacy in cancer care The power of patient advocacy in cancer care Larry, a retired US Navy veteran, and Jeff, UICC President, have more in common than a cancer diagnosis: they share a passion for patient empowerment.
Really Digital, Mr Hach! Really Digital, Mr Hach! The Head of User Experience and SCRUM at Boehringer Ingelheim’s digital lab BI X offers a glimpse into his work and motivation.
Stefanie Bock-Kreilinger Stefanie Bock-Kreilinger Stefanie Bock-Kreilinger on developing her own path
Daniel Kiesenhofer Daniel Kiesenhofer Diverse, caring, collaborative - Daniel Kiesenhofer on Boehringer Ingelheim
Dr. Hsing-Jung Chen-Engerer Dr. Hsing-Jung Chen-Engerer Prioritizing development with Dr. Hsing-Jung Chen-Engerer