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How do our donations for Ukraine help?

How do our donations for Ukraine help?

The war in Ukraine continues to cause suffering and hardship. The Polish and the German Red Cross – also supported by donations from us – help to the best of their ability.
Transforming Science Day Europe

Transforming Science Day Europe

Oct. 2, 2023: Join us in London, or virtually, to learn more about our patient-centric approach to innovation, advancing pipeline and partnering approach.
Dogs at work in Milan offices

Dogs at work in Milan offices

Dogs at work is a pilot project that allows pet-lover to bring their dogs to the office and enjoy the benefits they bring to their daily work life.
sustainably fighting rabies info hub

sustainably fighting rabies info hub

Did you know that every nine minutes, rabies takes a human life? Find out how we support the elimination of this deadly disease.


Ridgefield is home to the company’s US headquarters. The site serves as a key research center for human pharmaceuticals.
Phase 3 studies survodutide obesity and overweight

Phase 3 studies survodutide obesity and overweight

Phase 3 studies to investigate survodutide for people living with obesity and overweight, with and without diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease
STOP Rabies: moving towards elimination

STOP Rabies: moving towards elimination

Rabies still kills thousands of people every year. However, rabies is 100 percent vaccine preventable. We contribute to eliminating the disease.


At Boeheringer Ingelheim, we believe in a diverse working culture. Find out what our people like most about working with us.