
692 Result(s)
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Making sustainable medicines through eco-design

Making sustainable medicines through eco-design

Our goal is to minimize the environmental footprint of our medicines through integration of eco-design and green chemistry across the entire lifecycle
Data Science

Data Science

Revolutionizing research and development with data driven insights
NeO - smart and sustainable vaccines

NeO - smart and sustainable vaccines

The reduction in the environmental impact of the new NeO vaccine packaging illustrates Boehringer Ingelheim’s drive for environmental responsibility.
How do our donations for Ukraine help?

How do our donations for Ukraine help?

The war in Ukraine continues to cause suffering and hardship. The Polish and the German Red Cross – also supported by donations from us – help to the best of their ability.
Avian influenza prevention at the source

Avian influenza prevention at the source

Teshome Mebatsion, Head of Viral Diseases Research at Boehringer Ingelheim, talks about the avian influenza virus, ways of prevention and scenarios for the future.
Supporting Fundappas

Supporting Fundappas

Supporting Fundappas in Uruguay to improve quality of life of dogs and people.