Heart Failure in Women 

Experts discuss gender disparities in heart failure care and management for women.

“When we talk about women's health, people think about the breast and the reproductive systems, and they forget everything else.” – Dr Martha Gulati, President-Elect of the American Society for Preventive Cardiology

Robust data shows that gender plays an important role in the epidemiology, management, and care of people with heart failure, giving rise to poorer heart health outcomes for women with the condition.

We partnered with four global experts to discuss the several gender disparities in heart failure treatment and care which impact women living with the condition. Watch the entire inspiring discussion to learn how women can take control of their heart failure journey and advocate for optimal heart care management. 

Advocate for your own heart health

It is important for women living with heart failure to understand that they are not alone in their condition. View our Heart Failure in Women discussion guide to find out more about how to support women through their heart failure journey and empower them to manage their care, from diagnosis to disease management. 

Heart Failure in Women: Misdiagnosis

Listen to Pamela’s story of her heart failure misdiagnosis, how her symptoms went unrecognised and the emotional impact of this experience.

Heart Failure In Women: Symptoms

Pamela discusses her heart failure symptoms, how these affected her life and the point at which she first visited her doctor. 

Preparing for appointments with Health Care Professionals

Pamela shares advice on how best to prepare for appointments with your doctor and how to strive for optimal care. 

Prioritzing your heart health 

Pamela discusses the importance of monitoring and maintaining heart health, and how she does so with her team of doctors. 

Managing heart failure

Dr Gulati outlines the importance and impact of a healthy lifestyle when living with heart failure. 

How heart failure presents differently in men and women 

Listen to Dr Gulati explain how men and women experience heart failure differently, and how this can affect peoples’ perception of the condition.

Heart Failure: Different treatments for men and women

Dr Gulati discusses the gender disparities present across the heart failure treatment landscape and why treatments can affect men and women differently. 

Maximising heart failure care for women 

Birgit Beger, CEO of the European Heart Network, explores what needs to be done to improve heart failure care in women. 

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